Friday, September 30, 2011

owls... my other obsession

I don't remember much about my Grandma Peggy except that she really liked owls.  When I was little she gave me a key chain shaped like an owl with my name on it.  I am sure she gave me lots of things, but this is the only thing I remember.  Fast forward 30 years, my mom finds the key chain in the armoire in my old bedroom and gives it to me.  Seeing this 1970's key chain totally set something off in my wacky brain chemistry because now I am fanatical about owls.  I have them in my house, in my pins, in my mind.

"I guess can you pet me since you are tagging me...."

You may ask if I have ever actually seen a real owl.  The answer would be no.  I need to bug the ornithologist at work to take me out with her owl tagging. This would be utterly amazing.  Until then I will satisfy myself with non-animate owls, making felt owlscapes in my spare time...

owlscape #1

1 comment:

  1. Aww really you've never seen one in real life? They're beautiful!
